Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How bonded we are!

Challenges faced in maintaining peace in Singapore in the early years...

1) Managing Perceptions of different Racial Groups.
- Resulted in the race riots between different racial groups
- All beacuse of UMNO who spread that PAP was unfair to the Malays by highlighting the Malays' poverty.
- These stirred up unhappiness amongst the Malay community towards PAP
- The policies have affected people from different groups, irresponsible media reporting and purposeful propagating had made the Malays doubt their status in Singapore.
- Shows that if racial problems are not settled properly, will result in suspision and unhappiness amongst the different groups.

2) Managing Perceptions of different Religious Groups
- Maria Hertogh Riots over the custody of the girl, Maria
- Put under the care of a Malay lady when her parents were captured during the Japanese Occupation
- She was brought up as a Malay lady and even married a Malay teacher
- After war, Maria's parents came to get her back, and a court trial followed.
- Custody given back to the Hertoghs and caused the whole group outside to feel unhappy as they felt the British legal system was unfair towards them
- This aroused unhappiness amongst them towards the European and Eurasian communities.
- Case had many wide media coverage which made Malays feel upset as they felt their welfare were not taken care of.
- Caused the riots which led to 5 dead and 100 injured.
- Shows that if racial problems are not handled appropriately, will lead to hostility and distrust amongst the people.

3) Threats from External Forces
-Transnational Act refers to acts of violence that are global in terms of aims, organisation and impact. Example of this is Jemaah Islamiyah, a militant group that aims to set up an Islam state in Asia region
- S'pore was part of their aim after bombing areas like Jarkarta and Bali
- Aimed to bomed US embassy and gov ernment buildings
- 34 members captured for being involved in terrorism acts btw 2001-2004
- 1 memer caught in 2005
- These acts of violence, if successful, will kill and harm many people. Even if halted, it will test the social bonds of the people and may even divide the people.
- People who do not see things in perspective will blame the Muslims in S'pore for the act of violence done by Muslims of other countries and thus start to avoid them and make them feel unwelcome.
-Racist remarks hurled at them even though they had not done anything wrong.
- Muslims will thus feel unhappy.
-People who are influenced by JI radical ideas may be tempted to join and this will result in separation of the people.

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